
There are so many ways to support Escuela Valdez. With our school facing drastic budget cuts, our kids need your help more than ever. Whether you donate money or time, everything counts and everything is needed - we know we can deliver the best for our students by being Powerful Together!

Through our Powerful Together campaign, we will raise funds which will be distributed in this way:

PTO: 40%

Our PTO funds support school celebrations, after school enrichment classes, supplemental education experiences, social/emotional learning enhancements and programs, teacher microgrants and seed money for larger fundraising events, like our yearly Fun Run.

School: 60%

This portion of funding, depending on how it is donated, will go to either the Early Childhood Education program at Escuela Valdez or to our arts, music and intervention programs. Funding allocations and decisions are made by the Collaborative School Committee (CSC), the governing board of Valdez. This committee consists of elected parents, staff, community members and our principal. Learn more about the CSC here.


Here’s how you can help:

Valdez Family Donation Subscription Program

Subscribe to our monthly giving program! You can select a monthly payment that fits with your budget. Whether it is $5 per month or $200, every single dollar counts and gets us to our goal. This program helps streamline your donations and decreases the amount of times the PTO reaches out and asks for help. Learn more. 

Local Businesses
The Valdez community consists of your friends and loyal customers. We purchase your services, and frequent your restaurants and stores. We would like for you to support us too! There are a variety of ways to give and a lot of benefits in doing so. We offer donors promotion through school materials and social media, logo placements, video recognition, PR opportunities, and window clings to show that you are a proud supporter. Learn more. 

Large Donors
As an early childhood education provider, Escuela Valdez qualifies for the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit, which helps support quality child care programs for low-income families. Any taxpayer (corporate or individual) that makes a monetary contribution of more than $100 to promote child care in Colorado may claim an income tax credit of up to 50% of the total value of the contribution when filing your Colorado state taxes. 

Our Sponsors: